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We're in the Business of Preventing Employee Theft

We've taken on the challenge of helping employers to prevent employee theft by helping people in positions of trust to remain honest. We became involved in this after witnessing how both employers and their employees are harmed by employee theft. It’s not an easy problem to solve. Employee theft flourishes in secrecy, so getting to the root of the problem isn’t easy. Even as you read this, someone who works for you could be considering (or is already) misusing his or her position of trust for personal gain.

The challenge is to convince your employees that honesty truly is the best policy.

We have developed an effective Employee Honesty-Awareness Training Kit that will help your employees to understand why positions of trust should be valued, not abused. The goal of the program is to eliminate the appeal of instant gratification associated with wrongfully acquiring money or material possessions.

Why we are successful in preventing employee theft.

We view employee theft as a problem for both employers and employees. Employee theft damages not only businesses and organizations, it also hurts the employees who commit the wrongful acts. Our concern about this issue encompasses both employers and their employees

Our Mission

To help every business and/or organization Prevent Employee Theft while helping every employee remain honest.

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